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                                  Graph Unit 
                         8514 Graphic Color Constants 

      PURPOSE:  Constant declarations of colors used by Graphic procedures

      REMARKS:  Use these constants with SetRGBPalette to select the
                standard EGA colors with an IBM 8514 graphics adapter.

                    EGABlack      = 0;      EGADarkGray     = 56;
                    EGABlue       = 1;      EGALightBlue    = 57;
                    EGAGreen      = 2;      EGALightGreen   = 58;
                    EGACyan       = 3;      EGALightCyan    = 59;
                    EGARed        = 4;      EGALightRed     = 60;
                    EGAMagenta    = 5;      EGALightMagenta = 61;
                    EGABrown      = 20;     EGAYellow       = 62;
                    EGALightGray  = 7;      EGAWhite        = 63;

See Also: SetRGBPalette
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